Thursday 25 March 2010

Pitch feedback

pitch feedback - as an overall everybody likes my idea. They said its good to get away from the usual topic of stalking. Around 70% of the people said it would look good if executed well, the only problem is actually executing it. As a whole the interesting/unique idea was catching attention from the class so we decided to take it on as a task. We need to use camera shots of all angles and show hierachy with the more important to the less important characters. Listening to my pitch my group all concluded the TMG was aimed at males but wasn't completely righting off women.

Potential problems -> Make sure the setting is realistic, like an alley way etc.
-> Props make sure the opening looks authentic.

Ident 3

This ident is a light grey which is abit to light for the genre. although its grey its abit too light.

This concludes that the first ident I annotated is best suited.