Thursday, 10 December 2009

The clip i have chosen to analyse is an arguement at breakfast between 2 sisters from coronation street.
From this clip there is no good or bad characters but the way Rosie (older sister) is teasing to the little sister we get the impression Rosie is the bad person in this scene.
The story told in this scene is an arguement about a man that either of the girls could be trying to show off about him.
We know this scene is set in a house because the mise-en-scene used in this particular scene is that of an everyday house e.g. breakfast table, kitchen in the background, all the family together.
In the scene there is not the widest of camera shots used. Its uses mid-shots for when one character is speaking and it also uses fairly longshots to show all the family in one and house hold items in the background. When the 2 sisters argue there is sometimes some over the should shots. Also the camera man sticks to the 180 degree rule.
Sound is used diagetically in this clip as we can hear a radio and we know the family can hear it as its a typical family thing to do having the radio on in the morning

Thursday, 3 December 2009